What We Do
Policy development- institutional development, participatory role,
Areas of Activity
TRF teams has a wealth of experience in surveys, data collection, research and facilitating dialogues on various issues that need to have debate on from different perspectives. TRF’s focused on the following thematic areas:
7.1 Research:
In research TRF focuses its research on the following areas
- Economics of War
- War Economy
- Causes and Consequences of Conflicts
- Peace Process
- Conceptions of Peace
- Peace Negotiations
- Hybrid Peace Approach
- Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration
- Religion and extremism
- Role of religions in conflicts and peacebuilding
- Counter Violent Extremism &De-Radicalization
- Reformation of the Madrassa Institution
- Employment
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Small Medium Enterprises
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Energy
7.2 Surveys & Data Collection:
TRF have an extensive nationwide network of field surveyors and data collectors. We conducted surveys and collected data from almost every corner of Afghanistan, both via face-to-face interviews, Focused-Group-Discussions,
Questionnaires, cellphone interviews and assessments. We conducted surveys and collected field data in the area of peace, security, public consensus, public perception identification public education, and public service provided by the government and NGOs.
7.3 Facilitating Dialogues:
TRF is facilitating dialogue on key national and regional issue among different layers of the society at regional and national level through zoom meeting/ conferences, round table, and symposiums to highlight those key points that are crucial for national and regional policy and reform and practice revision.
8. Publications & Discussions:
Copies of publically-available reports can either be obtained from the TRF website www.trf.af or by contacting communication@trf.af
Recent reports produced by TRF include:
- The Rise & Fall of the Islamic State (IS-K) in Nangarhar, a field research published by TRF
- Taliban Leadership: From Integration & Fragmentation, (classified)
- Tracing the Recruitment Process of Islamic State-Khorasan Province; (published)
- Governing the Amu Darya River Basin under Legal Various Regimes, Legal Analysis (Published)
- The Hydropolitics of Amu Darya River Basin: Prospects of Conflict & Cooperation between Riparian Nations, (Published)
- Pakistan’s Disruption of Afghan Trade & Transit During Covid19: Lessons, Implications & Way Forward; (Published)
- Afghan Peace Talks- Déjà vu or a reality? A Comparison of Geneva and Doha Peace Processes (published)
- China in Taliban’s Afghanistan-Between Impetuous and Cautious Approaches, (ongoing research project)